Number Format Buttons

The Number Format Buttons have numerous locations. For example, the right lower corner of the “Pixel statistics” table in the “Statistics Panel.” and the right lower corner of the “total path statistics” table in the “Profile Panel.” These buttons allow you to change the format of the number displayed in the window.

  • Click on to reduce the number of digits.
  • Click on to increase the number of digits.
  • Click + shift on to reduce the number of exponent digits.
  • Click + shift on to increase the number of exponent digits.
  • Right click on the buttons to change the number format displayed for the value selected.
  • Select “g” to display the numbers with all digits.
    e.g., 557.1532694
  • Select “0.” to display the numbers to their units digit.
    e.g., 557
  • Select “#.0” to display the numbers to their tenth digit.
    e.g., 557.2
  • Select “0.000000” to display the numbers to their 10-6 digit.
    e.g., 557.153269
  • Select “#.######” to display the numbers with digits up to their 10-6 digit.
    e.g., 557.153269
  • Select “0.00E+00” to display the numbers to their hundredth digit and tens exponent digit.
    e.g., 5.57E+02
  • Select “0.###E+0” to display the numbers with digits up to their thousandth digit and units exponent digit.